Spending Time With Your Loved One
Prior to the funeral service, some family members find it helps to spend time with their loved one and like to bring small gifts or a photograph to put on or in the coffin or casket. It’s a personal choice and we can talk about this and guide you through the steps.
Phone Call Prior To Service
Our funeral staff will contact you the day prior to service to confirm details and key timings. This communication is essential and aims to provide you with the reassurance that we have catered for and provide you with an opportunity to deliver any final instructions.
On The Day
With all the preparation and hard work that goes in to planning a funeral, many people find that they are emotionally drained and exhausted by the time the day of the actual service takes place. By knowing what’s expected of you and how you can equip yourself to get through it, you can take more time to grieve and take part in the proceedings.
When to Arrive
Depending on whether you are having a viewing, visitors may begin arriving 30 minutes before the service starts. You are welcome to arrive before visitors if you would like to join our staff in greeting attendees.